Buying a car is one of the largest purchases most people make in their lifetime, next to buying a home. A lot of research and thought goes into what type of car is best for you, and safety features usually top the list of needs....
Buying a car is one of the largest purchases most people make in their lifetime, next to buying a home. A lot of research and thought goes into what type of car is best for you, and safety features usually top the list of needs....
Being in a car accident is scary, and no one really knows what steps to take that will lead to protecting their rights. The most important thing is your physical condition, and while calling 911 is usually a given, not everyone knows where to go...
If you have been hurt in a car accident and suffered damages you will want to take action to get medical care and reimbursement for your injuries. This is done by making a demand for payment from the insurance company that covers the negligent driver....
The rules in this area are complex, and it is always best to talk to a qualified professional to make sure you do not make a mistake. When it comes to a personal injury settlement, we can help. A settlement for a personal injury case, like...
The injuries from a car accident can range from mild to severe. In every case it is imperative to see a doctor so you can rule out more serious conditions, or so that you can get the care you need for a catastrophic injury. But,...
After an accident you will probably get a call from the insurance adjuster for the other driver. The adjuster will be seeking information about how the accident happened, and who was at fault. Many times the facts relayed get lost in translation and an adjuster...