Being in a car accident is scary, and no one really knows what steps to take that will lead to protecting their rights. The most important thing is your physical condition, and while calling 911 is usually a given, not everyone knows where to go after that call is placed. Having a bit of information on what to expect if you are in a car crash will help you keep calm. Knowing what to do will also help preserve evidence in the event you need to file a lawsuit or make a claim for damages.

Five things to do to protect yourself after an accident are:

  • Move to the side of the road if you are able, and call for help.
  • Check for injuries for yourself, your passengers, and the other driver.
  • Give a clear report of how the accident happened to the officer working the scene.
  • Exchange insurance information, including your agent’s name and phone number.
  • Take down the names and numbers for all witnesses, so you can reach them later for a statement.
  • Take a lot of photographs.

A full recovery depends upon a finding of fault, and if you mistakenly take the blame while on the scene, it will be harder for you to recant that position and demand payment from the other driver. Even giving a simple apology may be misconstrued, so it is best to avoid saying anything that could be interpreted as an admission of fault. You should also make notes about details of the accident. Over time your memory will fade, and having a record of the incident close in time to when it happened will be the important evidence of the facts of the matter. When you are able, you should also call a qualified personal injury attorney, to take a look at your case and file a timely claim if you are not able to reach a satisfactory settlement. We have the experience you need to get the results you deserve.

If you have been in an accident, call the attorneys at Yetnikoff Law Offices, PLLC right away for help. Call us at 800-279-6331 or visit us online for more information.