Electric scooters seem to be taking over downtown areas across the country. Riders can enjoy these scooters to get around town, but still must exercise caution when operating the scooter. In addition to rules on where the scooters are allowed to be parked, a user has to abide by laws requiring safe driving and avoid operating a scooter while under the influence. If a rider causes an accident, victims can recover from the negligent rider.

Here are some things to know if you are in an accident with a scooter:

  • Scooters are not permitted on public sidewalks.
  • Scooters are not allowed to be used on the highways.
  • Riders must stay off of restricted bikeways, bike paths and trails, and other shared use pathways.
  • A scooter may not be used on private property without permission from the property owner.

A claim for personal injury suffered in a scooter accident must be made timely. Victims should pursue recovery from any party that contributed to or caused the accident. In some cases this will be the driver, but in others there may be other parties at fault. For example, if the scooter is not being properly maintained, the scooter company can bear the responsibility for the accident. If the scooter contains defective parts, the manufacturer can be held liable. Given the recent innovation of scooters and scooter use, it is important to examine all of the facts of your case before you proceed. A qualified personal injury attorney familiar with the laws will know where to begin an investigation, and what type of strategy best fits your case. We aggressively pursue any damages you have suffered from broken bones, sprains and strains, concussions or other head trauma, and other injuries. You are entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses associated with these injuries, and are also entitled payment for lost wages and other out of pocket costs.

If you have been in an accident with a scooter, we know what to do. Contact the attorneys at Yetnikoff Law Offices, PLLC for answers to your questions and learn how we can help get you the maximum compensation possible. Call us at 800-279-6331 or visit us online.