
One of the most common questions of a personal injury lawyer is how long does it take to resolve a claim. The answer to that question: it depends. There are many factors involved in a personal injury case, and it’s impossible to predict how each element will affect the timeline. Nevertheless, there is a general process you can expect your case to follow.

  1. Medical Treatment: The first step in any personal injury case is for the injured party to get initial examination and treatment from a qualified medical professional. Your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis will be the foundation for your claim. If you delayed seeking treatment for your injury, the insurance company may assume that your injury was not related to the incident, or that your injury is not severe.
  2. Choosing an Attorney: After you’ve been examined by a healthcare professional, start researching an attorney by talking to family, friends and co-workers. You’ll want to hire an experienced attorney that specializes in personal injury cases. While it’s possible to file a personal injury claim on your own, having an attorney on your side that knows the law, and knows what insurance companies can and cannot do, will be an important advantage. Hiring a lawyer will also increase the likelihood of maximizing your financial compensation for damages and losses.
  3. Information Gathering: When you meet with your attorney, you will be asked for details of the accident, injuries, and treatment. It’s helpful to bring documentation about your case, such as photos, accident reports, lists of witnesses, and medical records of your injuries.
  4. Negotiations: Once you complete medical treatment and have assessed your damages and losses, your lawyer may attempt to negotiate a settlement with whoever is representing the at-fault party. Many personal injury claims will settle at this point.
  5. Filing a Lawsuit: If your lawyer is unable to obtain a fair settlement with the at-fault party, a lawsuit can be filed on your behalf. During the course of the lawsuit, your lawyer will keep an eye on settlement opportunities. Most injury claims will settle before the case goes to trial.
  6. Trial: If settlement is not possible, your injury claims will be decided by a judge or jury. If your injuries and losses were extensive, a longer trial is to be expected.

Izzy Yetnikoff is an attorney specializing in personal injury cases. If you’d like more information about initiating a personal injury claim, contact Yetnikoff Law Offices, PLLC for help. Call us at 800-279-6331 or visit us online for more information.