
Izzy Yetnikoff, an injury attorney at Yetnikoff Law Offices, PLLC, has extensive knowledge on slip and fall accidents in restaurants, eateries and grab ‘n go food dispensaries. It’s hard to imagine that stopping for a bite to eat at a restaurant could end up changing your life. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can happen when you least expect it. And sometimes, a quick fall can result in serious and lasting injuries. It’s important to follow some basic guidelines when you’re injured in a restaurant to protect yourself – physically and financially.

Things to Remember After a Fall in a Restaurant

Report the Incident: You should immediately report to the manager or the owner what happened. Don’t rely on someone else to report the fall. Ask to fill out an incident report, and ask for a copy of the incident report, or take a photo of the report.

Seek Treatment ASAP: If you are seriously injured, stay where you are and have someone call 9-1-1. Trying to sit or stand up could potentially cause further damage. If your injury is minor, you should still see a doctor right away. This is for your safety, and to protect yourself if you end up taking legal action. If medical records show that you waited a week or more to seek medical attention, the delay may minimize your injury.

Document: Always take pictures of evidence before you leave the restaurant. For example, if you slipped on a piece of food, a wet spot, or tripped over a loose rug, capture it. If possible, write down the names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the incident.

Limit Communication: When you report your incident to the restaurant, be as direct and succinct as you can. Tell them only the facts about your fall – where and when it happened, and whether you tripped on anything, or bumped into something, etc. Avoid statements like “I’m fine”, or “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay”. The restaurant could use that information to show that you were not hurt.

Seek Legal Advice: If you sustained an injury at a restaurant or any other business, consider calling an attorney as soon as possible. Medical bills can add up, and you may be able to recover your losses if you file a claim against the restaurant. Personal injury attorneys are a great resource to have on your side when filing a claim. They’ll help you navigate complex legal forms, advise you on the process and help protect your best interests.

Can I File A Claim If the Fall Was My Fault?

Arizona uses the law of comparative negligence. This means that even if the accident was partially your fault, you may still receive compensation. Some restaurants will pay a limited amount to cover your medical bills, even if you are at fault. When you file a liability claim against a restaurant for an injury on their property, you must show that the restaurant was negligent. A restaurant has a duty to protect its customers, and they will be liable for failing to provide a safe environment.

Izzy Yetnikoff at Yetnikoff Law Offices, PLLC has extensive knowledge on slip and fall accidents in restaurants. Call Izzy Yetnikoff at Yetnikoff Law Offices at 800-279-6331 for valuable advice on restaurant negligence and liability.